Anti-Anxiety Resources

This is a collection of the best resources for someone who struggles with anxiety.

In addition to the current content, it will include: Book Reviews and Success stories and more.

Below you will also be able to find the best articles on this site categorized.

If you have any ideas, please feel free to reach out via the contact page.


SMART System to Outsmart Anxiety

Death Anxiety – How to Kick Death Anxiety’s B*TT

Social Anxiety

About Anxiety

  • My Notes Collection

Driving Anxiety: Driving anxiety is ruining my life – now what?


Anxiety and Your Body

  • Diet for Anxiety




Suicide Help Lines By Country


Depression helplines in the US


Each country in the EU provides its own helpline Below you will find several pages that will help you find help:

National support resources: counselling and helplines by UniSAFE

Helplines and other resources for young people in EU


Mental Health Hotlines in the UK

Another page about Mental Health Helplines in the UK